3D Printing in Radiotherapy

Hi, I’m Hannah (one of the co-editors!) and I’m in my first year of Route 2 training to become a Clinical Scientist in Radiotherapy Physics in Belfast, Northern Ireland!

My training is a little different from the STP. I already have an MSc and I’m primarily completing clinical training to build a portfolio that demonstrates equivalence to the training done through the STP! I will hopefully be sharing more about Route 2 training on this blog, sharing alternative routes to Clinical Scientist registration and providing a platform for other Route 2 trainees to connect!

3D printing in Radiotherapy really interests me and that’s why I’ve chosen to focus on it. It’s also an area that has been gaining momentum in the world of radiotherapy research in recent years.

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My Journey onto the STP: Past, Present and Future

Hi, my name’s Mary and I am a first-year Medical Physics trainee in North London. Looking back to when I first started my undergraduate degree, I didn’t even know this career path existed (thanks to the second-year careers module for introducing me!), let alone that in nearly six years I would have just completed my first rotation on the STP. I’m hoping this piece will showcase the range of applicable experiences and highlight the different routes to the STP (and show the fascinating world of Medical Physics!), just as the posts on STP Perspectives helped guide my STP application and working practices today.

Continue reading “My Journey onto the STP: Past, Present and Future”

Life after training as a clinical scientist in Immunology. A culture change, a career change, and a location change

Hi, this is the first blog post I have written, so I hope it will be useful for anyone curious about alternative career options after completing the STP. So hello, my name is Francis, I finished the STP in Clinical Immunology in 2022 and now I work as a Scientist for a contract research organisation (CRO). We research the effects of pharmaceuticals on the immune system. But before I talk about my current role, I’ll talk about my journey to where I am now.

Continue reading “Life after training as a clinical scientist in Immunology. A culture change, a career change, and a location change”

Roundtable Discussion with the Editorial Team – Exploring Mental Health, Work Routines, and Personal Experiences

What’s the most mind-blowing fact you’ve learned during your training?

Estelle – (Microbiology) Some armadillos carry Mycobacterium leprae on their paws.

Leanne – (Biochemistry) before we had hCG blood tests for pregnancy they used to inject a frog with a woman’s morning urine and if it spawned then she was pregnant.

Jess- (Bioinformatics) Bioinformaticians are also known as bioinfomagicians 🪄 (we seemingly do complicated things when in actual fact we just muck around with software and data until it works)

Hannah – (Genetic Counselling) The National Society of Genetic Counsellors Professional Status Survey found that 93% of Genetic Counsellor respondents identified as women, 89% as White, and 89% as straight. This is a statistic from the USA, but it is arguably comparable to the UK. We need to work harder at increasing diversity in the workforce to help tackle inequalities!

Continue reading “Roundtable Discussion with the Editorial Team – Exploring Mental Health, Work Routines, and Personal Experiences”